The Ignite Spot Blog

Mastering the Rockefeller Habits - A Book Review

Written by Eddy Hood | Oct 28, 2011

I love business books. Every time I go to the local book store and pick up a new one, my wife rolls her eyes and asks "do you ever read anything other than those business books?" I always pause after that question and think to myself, "What's the point of reading anything else?"

If you're looking for a great book to inspire your business concoctions (Sorry it's close to Halloween and I couldn't resist), then you should check out Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish. This is one of the best books out there that give the business owner a clear and easy to follow road map for building a better company. It's not a theory book designed to "wow" you with the author's immense business knowledge. Instead, it's actually useful.

I came across my first copy of "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits" a year or so ago when one of my business mentors gave me a copy for free. Brad, if you're out there reading this blog post, thanks for the book. I owe you a lot. I tell our readers this to point out that it's the kind of book that a business mentor should give away. After I read it, I realized just how much my mentor cared about me when he gave it to me.

So here is why I love the book:

  1. It focuses on value; not quick trendy fixes in a company, but real change that adds long-term value.
  2. It introduces you to the one-page strategic plan. This alone makes it worth buying the book. Verne has also made a downloadable version of it available at
  3. It's easy to read and gives you actionable items to achieve in your business quickly.
  4. When you're done with the book, you'll have identified and built a plan around achieving your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).

Building a strategic plan for your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

Do you know what your BHAG is? This book will help you figure it out as well as determine the best way to achieve it. Every business needs a BHAG. It's what creates the vision and excitement that's lacking in so many companies. It's also the driving force behind helping you through the tough times when you're ready to give it all up.

So, if you happen to find yourself in the business aisle of the bookstore this weekend make sure to grab a copy for yourself. Oh, and while you're there - look out for me. I'll probably be standing in the aisle next to you. Make sure to say "Hi."